Monday, May 04, 2009

Did you manage the freebielists??

Goodmorning everybody!

Well, I provided you well with freebielists the last couple of days! I hope you found some nice things to work with.
It was a fine weekend with fairly good weather. Saturday I was all "FREE", meaning no shopping to do, hahaha.! So I had time for my hobby, the computer, LOL. During the afternoon Jan came up with a pile of records again for our "Music-session". But.......then the phone rang and it was Heidi, asking if it was allright to come by. Of course, so we had a nice chat in the sun, talked about a lot, but too a large part about the garden. As Jan knows how we are like two hens in a yard, he went out for a while! After heidi was left, Jan came home again and we grabbed a sandwich and had a pleasant evening at the couch, watching the tv. Sunday weather looked good again, so you always wake up happier and easier when you see the sun shining.
Early afternoon I put up my garden boots and acted like a jungle explorer LOL. No, not as bad as that, but some bushes were growing out of proportion and needed a good pruning so I did that. Looks much better now. Did some other bits and bobs in the garden and was quit pleased with myself! Returned inside and installed myself again at the computer and session!!! So Jan and I had our happy hour again and I love those sessions!! After dinner I had a looooong talk on msn with my friend Edna. I was glad she was there again, because during weekend I had no mail or anything from her, which is weird and I had heard from Snowy, that Edna wasn't feeling well and was in bed. Oh I worried a bit, and was ever so happy that she was on masn again. It seems she catched a bad flu, and is still recovering from it. She goes to her doctor today, to check if it's just a "normal" one. I truly hope so! But as she was feeling already more like a "normal and living person"again, we could chat along.
New month so new challenges on the forum and oh boy, there is WORK for me there to do! Snowy NEVER gives us a rest, wicked women as she is, LOL. She ALWAYS comes up with new and interesting challenges and always manages to give us a few in there, which really need a bit of research before you can start with them. So she is feeding our brains too, school professor!!!

After a such relaxing weekend we have to get back in the weekly rythm again, starting today with some ironing to do and a washing. Hmmmm, not the most favourite things, but I'll be strong and do it!!!
Today's kit is a one colour schemed one, in greens and named "Explore Dreams". Everybody always has some dreams(if you haven't there is something wrong with you I gather!) so use it to scrap some dreams you have. Could be a nice thing to look on much later!
Now you all have a fine day, thanks for stopping by again!

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1 comment:

suruha said...

This is a really pretty kit! I love all the greens. Very nice, Kyra. And, thank you.

I think it is cool that you and Snowy knew something was wrong with Edna. She is lucky to have you for a friend.

I hope your week goes smoothly.
